Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul...Blogging is my newly found soul hehe..

Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul and blogging is my newly found soul :-)
I blog just about anything inside and outside of my thinking box.
If you like what you read or even hate it, do share on facebook and tweet...Oh yes, feel free to drop your comments too xoxo

Sunday, October 28, 2012


Selamat Hari raya Korban!

S.A.C.R.I.F.I.C.E is a big word.

Even if it's a little too late.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

People ask

People ask you to tell the truth and yet when you tell the truth they call it condemn.

People ask for your feedback and yet when you do it honestly they call it complaint.

People ask to be your friend but when you're in pursuit of success they congratulate you with jealousy.

People ask to be your friend but when you're happy they're mad with your happiness.

People ask you for comfort but when you need one? They're too busy being comfortable with their lives.

People ask for shelter from you but is your shelter big enough for everyone?

People ask how was your day. Yet when you tell them of all the fun you had, they say you're bragging.

People never ask to be your enemy and yet you have many. Sad story.

People ask. We answer. That's how it is.


Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Reap what you sow

That vision.
Appears and disappears.
It fills me with fears.
Fear of the unknown.
But who am I to groan.
I just reap what I had sown.


Saturday, October 20, 2012

So many to do yet so relaxed!

Lazying around in Fendi's house. What a good way to spend the weekend. Weekend that's supposed to be busy. Supposedly filled with packing and unpacking chaotic.

Apparently I don't seem to be busy. Nash doesn't seem to be busy too! He's been sleeping on the couch since afternoon and it's now almost 9pm.

With the plan to move back to Seremban in just about a week we are seriously screwing ourselves up. Nothing is packed eventhough I have been talking about it non stop for the past two weeks.

The business planning and preparation is another thing. Gosh! It's damn overwhelming and I'm surprise that we are this relaxed and unprepared.

The intention of coming to Fendi's house is so that the kids are occupied; watching cds, tv and busy with games but to be honest I am occupied too! I have been downloading games, apps and surfing the net since like forever. Mentang2lah Fendi pakai Unifi lajunyaaaa!!! Syoklah dok menguplod and menginstall games and apps!

Dahla tengah kopak. Duit bebetul tinggal limaploh hengget and budak2 is not well at the moment. Alhamdulillah Daniel has just got better from asthma but Alyssa has caught the virus; flu, cough, fever and somehow she sounds like she's having mild asthma attack at the moment :(

We still have medications from the previous trip to clinic so we just use that to help making her feel more comfortable. InsyaAllah she'll get better soon.

Life is tough but you know what is tougher? Motivating ourself to achieve what we aim for in having a better life. Serius tough wey! I am in that shit right now and praying and hoping that I'll have the will to push myself harder for better. Am working on it and will always will.

Nash! Bangunla wey... anak2 dah kebuloq tak makan dari tengahari ni!
Kalau agak2 nak tido dari pagi ke malam baik dok umah je boleh gak aku packing barang nak pindah kan?
(dialog yang aku ulang2 dari dua minggu lepas ;p)

Klah. Chow!


Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The title says exactly how I feel right now.
Too much of everything is tiring and overwhelming but for better life, why not? I would give it a try.
My hardest try.
Moving house.
Repainting current house.
Packing and unpacking things.
Everything that needs to be settled before we move.

What more, all of the above needs big MONEY.
Oh yeah. We're starting our business soon InsyaAllah. Auto garage business.
Now, THAT is going to make it even more overwhelming for us all.

I just pray, hope and try to make things as easy and smooth for everyone. May Allah bless this next BIG step we're taking. InsyaAllah and ameen to that.