Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul...Blogging is my newly found soul hehe..

Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul and blogging is my newly found soul :-)
I blog just about anything inside and outside of my thinking box.
If you like what you read or even hate it, do share on facebook and tweet...Oh yes, feel free to drop your comments too xoxo

Monday, December 24, 2012

Big 1-0

10 is a great number. It's a beginning of a decade. It shows longevity. It shows maturity. It shows connectivity. It shows continuity.

But 10 is also a complicated number. Made up of number 1 and 0, it is the starter for bigger two digit numbers, yet it consists of 0 and 1; smallest numbers there is.

To make up a big number it needs the small ones. To build up a happy, lasting marriage with big numbers; it needs the small unidentified things; the talk, the walk, the pinch, the toss, the call, the pat on the back, the silent, the noise, the laughter, the sadness, the smile and craziness.

The stare, the frown, the challenge, the fight and tears; all of which are important. Small unidentified things that are fairly seen as unimportant but those small things are what makes a marriage unified.

Our marriage is not all bed of roses because we do sleep on the bed of thorns once in a while to keep us on the ground but that's what makes up our number for today. Happy 10th anniversary and hoping to explore more numbers with you if I may say! :)


December 23, 2012

Arms for each other

No flowers, no gifts no nothing because what we have is enough; arms for each other to cling. Happy big 1-0 to me and hubby :)


December 24, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012


With all these social media I'm being overly fed with excessive information. I'm constipated.


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Smoking doesn't kill. Ignorance does.

Smoking doesn't kill. Ignorance does. Yes, as cliche as it may sound but that's the sad truth.

Most people probably started smoking in their teenage years but sadly there are people who started way earlier innocently thinking that it's all about being the coolest ones. With cigarette in hand puffing the hazardous smoke in and out. Sooner than you think it became your addiction and voila! It's hard to turn back unless you have a strong will to quit and you keep educating yourself about health so you can put ignorance to a big full stop.

Ignorance is not a bliss. Ignorance is a blister that causes more damage, wound and pain to the smokers and people around them. What brought my attention to post something related to smoking is what has been going on in my family. My own beloved family.

All my life as a mother, I have been trying to get rid of all the bad habits and the negative attitudes I had prior to being a mother. I battled with my temperament, my selfishness, my recklessness and other endless flaws. Alhamdulillah I think I managed to tone them down and still battling hard.

As much as I try hard to be a good example to my naive children, there were times when I lost in my own battle and fall rock bottom. But most importantly I don't give up and I keep trying to be better and will never stop InsyaAllah. I think the key is to keep trying and never stop. Even when it's the moment where you can no longer stand up, just push yourself harder for good.

The same with smoking and trying to quit. Once you picked up the habit it's hard to stop but it's even harder if you don't have the will and the knowledge on why do you need to stop.

My husband is an avid smoker and been one throughout half of his 30 years of life. He was a great athlete back in high school representing the country in Cricket and eventhough smoking is one negative factor in his sports performance he's still succumbed to the habit and his loyalty to cigarettes remains till now, even with three kids around.

I will keep motivating him to quit hoping that one day he'll realize that smoking doesn't actually give him any goodness but deteriorating health and ashes of burnt money. Besides, being a parent is all about showing a good example and not just talking about it. And that goes to both sides ;)

Despite being around smokers all the time, I will continuously educate my children on the negative sides of smoking to ensure they know and able to think wisely for themselves. My principle in parenting is easy. We teach the children about moral and good values while we can so when they grow up they're equipped to choose what's best for them. Whether or not they're choosing the best option doesn't lie in our hands but we must equip them with what's needed in their life. Once we've put in our best effort in raising them, all we do is just sit back, watch them grow and support them all the way with prayers and love.

One of the things I like to do with the kids is whenever we saw a poster on 'no smoking' campaign, I'll read it loud to them and explain in whatever ways they could understand. I emphasize on the negative effects of smoking on one's life from the aspect of health, financial, sosial, physical and etc.

Thank God they're brilliant kids and they know how to utilized the knowledge they earned. Everytime Daddy or Atuk and Uncles tried to smoke they'll be the alarm detector saying "Jangan!" At times they'll add things like "Ada pencuci toilet dalam rokok!, ada urine dalam rokok! Ada shieldtox dalam tu!"
I just looked at the kids feeling sorry for their effort being ignored and just blown away by the smokes.

As an adult, is this how we're suppose to react to the kids who are trying hard on taking the role to educate parents, grandparents, uncles and aunties. Poor little children. I understand how frustrated you must be but I admire your courage and determination for speaking up and for being consistent in helping out to educate your family about smoking. Thanks kiddos! Mummy salute all three of you; Daniel, Alyssa and Dhani :)

One incident that left great impact to me was when we went back to 'In Laws' house in Rembau. As usual they were playing outside the house while others and I were busy eating the ripe bright yellow and striking red rambutans.

I could see they were busy shovelling the pile of sand just under the rambutan tree. I thought they were just having fun playing with dirts and sands so I told them to play quickly and get inside to clean themselves up. But when my husband came out of room in panic looking for his ciggie, I knew the kids were up to something and in my opinion they were doing the right thing.

Husband asked "Did you see my cigarette box anywhere?" "Nope!" I answered firmly. He then asked "Dhani, Alyssa did you happen to play with my cigarette box?"
They replied "We have no idea" "Is it not in your hand?" Dhani added while their facial expression were showing some kind of hidden agenda. I knew it. They buried Daddy's cigarette box inside the pile of sand. Oh well, I'd rather they do that than burying their father's dead body who lost a battle with cigarette. Same goes to my eldest son, every time he found Daddy's ciggie box, he'll come up to me and asked "Mummy, is it ok?" for approval to throw away the cigarettes. As usual I would always nod to assure he's taking the right action. Smoking is just as wasteful as throwing it away right? So if you don't wanna waste, don't buy it at all.

I could see how much effort they've been putting to stop Daddy from smoking and from the determination they portray, I could sense they're no where near to giving up. Sometimes Dhani gets confused on the mixed messages between Daddy and Mummy; he pretends to smoke using a pencil and I feel bad seeing that. I feel helpless. My kids are helpless. Only smokers can help themselves to quit smoking and help others to feel less helpless in helping them to quit.

To smokers; 'please help yourself and let others help you in trying to quit'. Stop being ignorant and start educating yourselves. This issue isn't about how cute and clever the kids get when they try to stop you from smoking. It is about us being a clever responsible adult feeding the kids with moral and good values but practicing the contradictory. Now THAT is the real issue!

My post today is mainly to remind myself; a parent with great responsibilities on my shoulders and even the emphasize is more on smoking issue, it can be applied in many aspects of our life as an adult.

To my kids; You guys are my greatest heros. If one day you're in a junction to choose between taking the ciggie your friend offered you or turning down the offer, I'd just pray and hope that you would remember back the day you buried your dad's box of cigarette.

Be proud on your effort to save the lives of your loved ones and be proud to save your life too.

To hubby; I honestly believe in your success being departed with cigarettes sooner or later. Just don't ever ever give up.

Dec 11, 2012