Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul...Blogging is my newly found soul hehe..

Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul and blogging is my newly found soul :-)
I blog just about anything inside and outside of my thinking box.
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Friday, November 23, 2012

My angels

Woke up. Went straight to the hall and sat. Quite a chilly day. It took me a couple of minutes before realizing that one of our two hamsters had already escaped. The tunnel was disengaged and Whitey had managed to slip through it and ESCAPED!

I quickly shut all the room doors making sure the hamster's not gonna go into any of our bedrooms. Searched all over the house while my 3 kids are still weaving their sweet dreams. Whitey is no where to be found. *sigh* I just sat like a statue not knowing what to do. Hoping for it to find it's way home. I just couldn't be bothered to find it.

Headed back into my room and when I opened the door slightly, I could see my little Dhani was looking at me anxiously with teary eyes. Awww my poor baby! "Dhani, are you alright?" I asked in worries.

"Dhani bangun tengok mummy takde. Dhani ingat mummy dah mati. Dhani kejut-kejut Alyssa tanya mummy mana tapi Alyssa tak bangun. Dhani takut mummy mati :("

"Baby, mummy ada lah, I was just outside looking for Whitey. It escaped"

A wide smile and bright shiny eyes were back on his face as usual. "Dhani love mummy!" he added.
Of course. "And God knows how much I love you and the other two angels" I said in my head. In my heart.

O Allah, I was one of the first persons my kids see when they were brought into the world. I am still the first person they see everyday when they wake up. I don't know till when am I going to be able to enjoy their innocent looking face while they're asleep and smell their funny foul smell when they wake up.

But God please let their faces be the last thing I see before I finally meet You, and please make me one of the faces they see before they go back into Your loving arms, Ameen.

Nov 23, 2012

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