Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul...Blogging is my newly found soul hehe..

Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul and blogging is my newly found soul :-)
I blog just about anything inside and outside of my thinking box.
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Monday, December 30, 2013

The Never Ending Life Of A Doormat

I have such a pathetic life. People don't even care about me and easily take me for granted. I foolishly dedicate my life to people that I very much care about but in return these people ignore me. Forget me and leave me waiting day by day at the door. 

A door mat. Very useful but only used when it's needed and abandoned when it's already used. An item often forgotten by many, loyally giving it's service, it's function to clean the dirty feet which in fact is a very important thing.

But some people just do not know how to appreciate the door mat. "It's just a door mat for god's sake!" They say.
"A door mat that is dirty!" They added.
"Why should we even appreciate dirty things? It will only clutter our mind. Just don't bother worrying about something that does not even mean something to you"

But hey! Remember if it's not important why did you even buy a doormat in the first place? Why is it the first thing you approach when you get home? Why is it the first thing that welcomes you to 'home sweet home'?

It is ironic to think about who makes the doormat an item that is dirty, filthy and abandoned? It is people and their dirty soiled feet that go in and out each day, scrubbing, wiping, stepping on the doormat making it changed. Being stepped on, rubbed on day in day out changed the doormat mentally and physically.

It becamed stained, it looks horrible. It looks worn out and miserable. It felt like giving up. "Why am I doing this to myself?" Asked the doormat to itself. "People treat me like they don't like me. Like I have no use. Like I am an unwanted item that doesn't even have any function!Why do I lie still by the door waiting?"


The doormat found the answer. "Cleanliness is one of important aspects in Islam." There doormat! You found your answer. A doormat DOES matter in Islam. It is to ease people's life. To provide happiness and cleanliness.
Why should you be sad? You might not be appreciated by many but think about what you're contributing, it's plenty!

So the doormat kept waiting. Lying still by the door each day to be stepped on. Wiped on. Scrubbed on. Stained on. Helplessly lying still with nothing much to do but to hope that it is given the courage, the patience, determination and persistence to live it's live as a doormat. 

And today. Again, I see the doormat foolishly, shamelessly, endlessly waiting to enjoy the suffer of being stepped on by people's soiled feet.

"I'll wait. I'll be here for as long as I live because I know I am making a difference in people's life. I make it better for them and I'll keep being here for as long as I'm needed until one day I became worst and dysfunctional to people and they throw me out."

Good luck doormat. May you be given the courage and strength. To love people who treat you bad. To live your life as a doormat.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Sleep over

I wish I could just sleep over my problems. Just like some people do. -- but I can't.

The issues are not going to go away. There are even more problems to stay.

Denial makes people go crazy at times. Like it or not we live in a world that comes with people around us.

Not green creatures with round bobbly head who perhaps has no emotions.

There are real living people around us--
With feelings, emotions, preferences all in commotion. So deal with it.

If you can't make it easier don't add the burden. Period.

Dec 28,2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Under the moonlight