Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul...Blogging is my newly found soul hehe..

Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul and blogging is my newly found soul :-)
I blog just about anything inside and outside of my thinking box.
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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Disastrous surprise indeed...

It's taken me more than two weeks before I finally post this entry about the series of unfortunate events happened lately...hmmm to start with it was my hubby's birthday on 18th Feb and a week prior to that I cracked my already messy head trying to figure out what plan should I do for him and I finally chose to prepare for in house candlelight dinner for 5 :) Wow!! For 5? You might ask...Well, I know if it's just me and him it would be more romantic but my idea is that I wanna try to include the kids as much as I could in our current life and have as many celebrations as we could together with them before they are big enough to have their own kind of party on their own in another part of the world and burn a hole hopefully in their pocket and not ours :D. By then most likely we'll be invisible yet memorable in their minds..So the idea of having a candlelight dinner for 5 wasn't too bad was it? Apart from the fact that something didn't turn out to be the way I had planned.

On the said day, we (me and the 3Ds) woke up early preparing the list of things we should do in order for the plan to success. First, we went hunting for ink cartridge refill for the printer and photo papers which is needed for my incomplete scrap book as his birthday present. Then, we headed to Tesco to do groceries shopping. To be honest, it was my first time trying to cook western meal and I had really big trouble choosing over tenderloin, sirloin, rib eye or whatever steak as I had no idea of what the differences were and due to time constrain I didn't bother to ask for advice or suggestion and perhaps kes buat2 pandai la nih :) Shopping list checked, we went back home and started preparing dinner.

The menu was  Main Course; Dry Beef Steak (didn't have time to make the gravy or google for the gravy recipe), Side dish; Mashed Sweet Potatoes and Salads, Dessert; it's meant to be Non Bake Cheesecake but I think because I use the normal cream cheese rather than double cream cheese it became ice-cream like cheesecake but the taste I tell you was superb! It's just the consistency that went haywire.

The kids had fun helping me out mashing and bashing the sweet potatoes, mixing and stirring the cheesecake mixture and setting up the table.  I guess it's the whole process that got them excited and looked forward for daddy's arrival so we could yell "Surprise and Happy Birthday!!" but unfortunately that didn't happen..
The kids fell asleep waiting for daddy and seeing that I was heartbroken. 

When my husband finally arrived home, I was just glad that he arrived safely but I wasn't in the mood for any kinds of celebration. All I wanted to do was to get a sinful sleep after a long tiring day going here and there with three kids trailing behind me,beside me or maybe all around me..I couldn't even remember.

Awoken by the children's laughter the very next day, I came out from the bedroom seeing the children were already at the dining table waiting to enjoy the candlelight dinner turned sunshinelit breakfast. Joined by me and hubby they had a good time still talking about daddy's birthday. Boy!! What do these naive but curious children know?? My heart sank with happiness, sadness, disappointment, anger and gratefulness all at the same time. I knew I wasn't behaving strangely because as a human I'm pretty sure we'll be heartbroken if something didn't turn out the way we wanted it to be right? He had his own reason for being late, I had my own reason to be angry and disappointed while the children had their very own reason to still laugh and put a smile on their pretty faces just to have mum and dad around even though everything else in their world turned upside down.

Things done can't be undone and all that mattered was the fact that we had loved each other, still in love with each other and will always be, InsyaAllah.. I love keeping this in mind "In a relationship when we are stuck in an unavoidable and unfavorable situation or circumstances it's how we deal with it that makes the difference in the outcome". I needed time by myself for a little while to come back to my sensible mind and that's when I decided to have a journey to the center of my heart (Cewahh!!) and yes...still with three kids trailing behind, beside or all around me..I can't recall this too. Till then, here are some of the pics of that disastrous surprise ;D

dhani and alyssa's menu :)


the non bake cheesecake turned ice-cream like cheesecake :)

Yun yum!

As you can see, no pictures of us enjoying the meal as we only ate the meal the next morning and  by that time I wasn't in the mood to snap photos anymore :(


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