Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul...Blogging is my newly found soul hehe..

Rock & Roll, Blog & Soul and blogging is my newly found soul :-)
I blog just about anything inside and outside of my thinking box.
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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A little prick won't hurt! A big mouth does!

There I was in the clinic for my medical check up as instructed by the new company that hires me. Well, I was there on Monday and donated a tiny bottle of my urine for them to check and probably to make sure there's no drugs substance like heroine or weed or whatever. I'm pretty sure I don't do drugs and I don't smoke weed so pheww...but not sure if I'll be in trouble when they found seaweed substance in my urine? Hehe..hope not (mmm...yummy seaweed crisps :) They told me to come back on Tuesday as the cut off time for blood test lab is at 3.30pm and I was there at 4pm. As said by the nurse, they can't keep the blood overnight, it has to be fresh blood so that means I had to go back there again. Huh! Talking about fresh blood! I felt like turning into vampire and kill them to get fresh blood to fulfill my thirst.

Yesterday, again...I walked into the clinic halfheartedly knowing that there'll be a needle poked into my arms in any second. The nurse called my name and asked me for another tiny bottle of urine AGAIN! "The other nurse said I don't have to do this today, just the blood test and X-ray" I told her. "We need it fresh Miss" and so she said. Talking about fresh urine! I felt a little intimidated by the nurse but doing what I had in mind won't help a little bit so I just went.

When I came back from the toilet, I sat on the sofa waiting for my turn for X-ray. A guy sat next to me asked if I was a new hire in Boustead company just like him and of course not. I don't even know what company that was. What more, it sounds like bas**rd which describes exactly the person I chat with (based on my first impression). Here goes his tale of a champ. He had to quit his high paying job in Sarawak 2 months ago due to work stress and demanding workload even though he was provided with a transport, a house and a maid. So to speak, after rejecting an offer from Qatar based company, he is now hired by the Boustead company as an Engineer and will be based in Lumut, Perak with a little less income which he doesn't mind as long as he's near to his sickly mother in Selangor.

I hoped the guy stopped talking right there...and he didn't. He started going on about his next plan to find a wife preferably a teacher just so that she could manage the house, do all the chores and care for the children and him. My ear started to burn and my hand started to feel itchy and felt like slapping somebody but sticking my a** on the sofa and kept listening was all I could do as there were too many people in the clinic and I couldn't move elsewhere. If he's not being a pain in the a** he could have said "I want to find somebody that I could love, care and she doesn't have to work because I'll make sure she'll get everything she needs"
Sure enough that will only happen in dreams and fairy tales. Men in the new era is expecting a lot in women just like the big-mouthed guy I mentioned, he wants to marry a teacher...why teacher? Because she still earns salary that he could sometimes share too! Nonetheless, he left the best part; chores, child minding and house managing to the future wife sob,sob...I hope his future wife will have the greatest strength to deal with this BIG-MOUTHED guy.

Come's not that hard to understand is it? Marriage is not about what 'she' and 'he' should do and shouldn't. Not about what ones expectation of the other. It's about adapting and complementing each other and yes, Love. 'Loving each other till death do us part' is commonly heard in wedding vows but it will never be the same kind of love from beginning till the end. The LOVE in a marriage will evolve and it's up to us to adapt to the changes, to complement and support each other to get through it. One can't expect the other to do something without giving something in return and so the other person can't do something hoping will get something in return. Easily said than understood or done right?

No matter what, life has its turbulence, ups and downs and I'm going through one now...emotional turbulance contemplating on going back to work or not. The world is getting more materialistic so without material like paper, copper or silver ($$$$  that is), you can't survive in a city center with just one breadwinner to feed five mouths!  I'm so thankful I have such a wonderful sleepyhead husband who has flaws and mistakes but remains humble and silly and supportive to make my day easier,brighter and funnier. Plus three kids with amazing personalities (Grumpy, Clowny, Loudy) that makes my life even crazier than ever!!
Times up! I need to pick them up from the daycare as they are currently in so called 'settling in' period so that they can adapt slowly and the transition will not be too shocking for them when I start working next Monday.


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